
Thursday, August 15


Orchid blooms are marketed as "exotic" and are priced accordingly. Recently, since the implementation of Value Added Tax (VAT), orchids have been re-classified from agricultural material to a luxury item. Therefore, the plants attract the tax and the sale price has increased.
The increased local production of orchids on a commercial scale is due in large part to the Taiwanese Technical Mission Plant Tissue Culture Project at Union, Castries. But it is also possible to grow these plants in your own backyard as a source of income or leisure. Many members of the St. Lucia Floral Cooperative Society, are small scale producers of flowers from their homes.
Despite the increased scale of production, there remains scope for new entrants in the industry as local florists continue to import orchids on regular basis for weddings, professional functions and as presents.
The delicate beauty of the orchid is matched by the delicate care with which these plants must be tended. The aspiring orchid producer should expect challenges with fungus and thrips.  For technical support in venturing into the industry, refer to the St. Lucia Floral Cooperative Society which is located at Vide Boutielle, Castries.

For more orchid photos visit the D. I.G Facebook page: D.I.G Facebook Page/Orchids